Belfast News Letter
Northern Ireland house prices down 41%
Northern Ireland house prices down 41%
Gross mortgage lending falls to lowest in a decade 231110
Irish bailout – effect on NI house prices? 221110
Spending Review: Housing 181010
“The Mortgage Famine” 240910
Northern Ireland housing mkt debate with RICS’ Tom McClelland (estate agent) 140910
House prices: will they start falling again
Will house prices continue to fall in Northern Ireland? 010910
Discussion re the housing market 100810
House price debate 080710
Rent or Buy? 210710
Should you buy property just now? (part 1) 150710
Should you buy property just now? (part 2) 150710
Debate on the housing market 010710
Has the housing market recovery run out of steam? 300610
Buy or rent discussion 280610
Why house price increases are nothing to write home about
Is the housing market really picking up? 310510
Halifax house price fall (1.5%) 040310
Can repossession be the best thing? 080210
Skipton Building Soc raises interest rates above promised maximum 210110
Halifax: property now more affordable for 1st time buyers 030110
Does the media talk down the housing market? 151209
Lower property prices can be good for economy
Will house prices keep rising or fall again in 2010?
Housing market discussion 271109
Nationwide report shows house price rises – have we turned the corner? 301009
Report on house price increase ‘should be met with caution’
House price rise only an ‘upward blip’
‘Have House Prices Bottomed Out?’ 280809
Halifax announces house price rise 100909
Mixed messages in Ulster’s housing market
Belfast apartments: ‘Property myth led to inflated prices’
Belfast apartments: ‘Property myth led to inflated prices’ 050909
Discussion re the problems faced by buy-to-letters (Part 3) 040909
Discussion re the problems faced by buy-to-letters (Part 2) 040909
Discussion re the problems faced by buy-to-letters (Part 1) 040909
House prices are rising – Is the recession over? 020909
Head-to-head view on house prices
House prices still have further to fall
Are house prices now on the rise?
Debate regarding National Housing Federation Report (Part 2) 020809
Debate regarding National Housing Federation Report (Part 1) 020809
House prices are set for the unthinkable
Nationwide says house prices rose by 1.3% in July 300709
Nationwide defends its 125% loan
Nationwide 125% mortgages raises fears of return to reckless lending
Nationwide offers 125% mortgages
125% mortgages for those with negative equity – Is this a good idea? 090709
125% mortgages – will it help those with negative equity? 090709
Robinson raises fears over Irish property firesale
Are the rising house prices just a blip? 110609
Have house prices turned the corner? 050609
Flats queue fakery no fillip for a flat market
Is the housing market about to recover?
Should first time buyers get onto the housing ladder now?
When will the housing market hit bottom?
Opinion divided over housing market
Estate agent attacks house price fall forecasts
Will interest rate cuts help the housing market
How much further will house prices fall in 2009
What will happen to house prices next year? 231208
How bad will it get for homeowners?
House prices – how low can they go?
How low will house prices go in 2009
Falling house prices in Scotland 141108
The housing market – worse to come? 141008
Difficult times ahead for buy-to-letters 290908
What would I do if I were trying to sell a house?
Property crisis
Property crisis: value of homes could ‘drop by 80%’
Re Stamp Duty change 080908
Stamp Duty holiday – what’s the point?
Discussion re changes to Stamp Duty 020908
Debate with Gordon Brown re Stamp Duty 060808
How do you get a mortgage? 180708
Property market: no rose tinted glasses here
Buy to let 280408
Housing market debate 020408
House Prices 150108
Mortgage debts 051207
Housing market debate 021207
UK Housing Market 011207
N Ireland house price debate 021107
The Housing Market 181007
Money Box Live – house prices’ debate 240907
Int Rates (NB In clip ‘2 Mixed Rate meant ‘2 M Fixed rate’ rec error 050707
Housing market debate 250507
City Wire