BBC 3 Counties Radio with Roberto Perrone: Govt borrowing will bring much higher interest rates
Govt borrowing will bring much higher interest rates @BBC3CR @TalkRoberto
Govt borrowing will bring much higher interest rates @BBC3CR @TalkRoberto
Global trade slowdown – Have we reached the bottom yet?
Recession-proof investing
120919 @BBC3CR @TalkRoberto: ECB printing money will lead to years of higher inflation / int rates
Bank of England is primarily responsible for £ crashing. Not BREXIT.
130819 Me and @JuliaHB1 @talkRADIO: Inflationary pressures likely to result in higher interest rates
160619 @LBC @AndrewCastle63 Corbyn is a Marxist and we would be closer to Communism
Me on@BBCOneNI @BBCNolan @stephennolan – Donald Trump, the greatest POTUS since Reagan
120519 @LBC @ianpaynesport: The super rich have never paid much tax. Labour are Communists.
080519 @BBC3CR @TalkRoberto Expect higher interest rates and lower house prices next few years
Me and @JuliaHB1 @talkRADIO 050419: Brexit is immaterial to the UK economy
Me to @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR 010419: Inflation is the biggest tax of all. Govt policy.
FRexit, Westminster 290319 J’adore l’Europe. Je deteste l’UE.
Me to @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR 190319 : Employment rates are high but what if interest rates rise?
What are Emerging Markets going to do now? Multi-year bull market! Me on @CoreFinanceTV 260219
What are Emerging Markets going to do now? Multi-year bull market! Me on @CoreFinanceTV 260219
What are UK (and Global) stocks going to do now? Grow for 15 years. Me on @CoreFinanceTV 190219
Me with @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR : The economy is ok and Brexit will change nothing 190219
Me telling @asputniksouth @SputnikNEWSUK: Bring back Capitalism 050219
Me on the @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR Business roundtable 290119 Bring back capitalism
Me with @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR Big Lotto winners should take 3 month holiday b4 making decisions 04/01/19
Me on the @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR Business roundtable 111218. Inflation leads to higher interest rates
Me telling @JuliaHB1 @talkRADIO inflation appears sustainable, leading to interest rate rises 141118
Me telling @DRowell_Sputnik @SputnikNEWSUK: Italy is not the problem. Socialism is 251018
Me telling @JuliaHB1 @talkRADIO that Bank of England etc actions pushing up inflation 171018
Me telling @NickFerrariLBC @LBC that reducing tax RATES increases tax REVENUE 280918
Me telling @JimDavisOnAir @BBCRadioLondon: UK govt making it harder to be self employed 060918
I told @WiddecombeAnn @talkRADIO scrapping 1p / 2p BCOS of Bank of England created inflation 230818
Me telling @AndyHolmesMedia @BBC3CR there’s a risk interest rates rise for many years 260718
Me telling @NickFerrariLBC @LBC that England World Cup performance should boost the economy 040718
Me & @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR: Business and Finance roundtable 290518
Me telling @NickFerrariLBC @LBC technology will end the jobs of millions of Brits 020518
Me & @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR-Corbyn wants to give us 4 more holidays, to make us more prosperous 230418
Me to @daisymcandrew @talkRADIO UK Chancellor needs to do 180 degree reversal but he won’t 🙁 140318
Me & @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR: Trump tariffs for Mid-Term elections are irrelevant to the economy 050318
Me telling @iancollinsuk @LBC we didn’t do austerity. We should have 040318
Me telling @alexisconran @talkRADIO: Brexit vote irrelevant to the economy 030318
Me telling @iromg @TalkRadio that Millenials are financially toast, longer term 010118
Me telling @Iromg @talkRADIO growth will remain lacklustre, at best, for many years to come 281217
Me telling @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR that Governments should bail no one out 011217
Me telling @thejamesmax @talkRADIO The Budget was, as ever, useless 261117
Me telling @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR that the Budget is just a Party Political Broadcast 221117
Me telling @DuncanBarkes @BBCRadioLondon that we are in a long term Economic Depression 221117
Despite its continued economic growth, Japan’s labour shortage is getting worse By Elisabeth Perlman 17 November 2017 The head of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) has called for changes to thecountry’s tight immigration controls amid a “worsening … Continued
Me telling @toryboypierce @LBC Expect higher interest rates for years 031117
Me telling @theJeremyVine @BBCRadio2 we need a wholesale reversal of Bank of England policies 021117
Me telling @DelaneyMan @talkRADIO living costs are very high. Deliberately. 161017
@j0nathandavis with @SputnikUK – Catalonia and the effects on business. None. 051017
Me telling @NickFerrariLBC @LBC Labour’s Socialist plans will drag us back to the 70s 270917
Me telling @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR Re Labour conference: Socialism has never worked. Anywhere 260917
Me telling @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR Public sector pay & conditions are better than private sector 150917
Me telling @BBC3CR @yasmeenkhan1 : public sector workers are better off than private sector 130917
@j0nathandavis telling @AndrewCastle63 @LBC Leaving EU: no effect on economy 100917
Me telling @duncanbarkes @BBCRadioLondon Universal Basic Income would be a disaster 070917
@J0nathandavis with @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR 290817
Me telling @OllyMan @BBC3CR the truth re falling unemployment figures 160817
Me with @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR 180717
@j0nathandavis talking to @theJeremyVine @BBCRadio2 130617
He sits back. Waits. Takes a deep breath. And then: “The biggest problem for the UK?! “It’s DEBT. “And the fact that we ARE in a depression.” Hold on there. Let’s rewind… more
@J0nathandavis talking to @BBCRADIOKENT 010617
@J0nathandavis talking to @TalkRoberto @BBC3CR 120517
@j0nathandavis talking with @sputnikInt 110417
@J0nathanDavis talking with @LBC 010417
@j0nathandavis talking with @talkroberto @bbc3cr 310317
DAILY RECKONING UK The Depression That Never Was: What If The Government Didn’t Intervene? by Jonathan Davis 7th March 201 7 “But we HAD to bail out the banks in 2009… otherwise we’d have gone into a depression.” How often … Continued
We’re in a depression – an interview with Jonathan Davis
@j0nathandavis talking with @Kayeadams @BBCradioscot 060317
Average households will be worse off for years 020317
Where has all the ISA cash gone?
Unauthorised Overdrafts? Tighten your belt instead. 080217
The EU wants continued access to the City 140117
Unemployment figures falling 140916
Business and Finance Roundtable 060916
Investigation into banking culture stopped. And 2016 Recession? 080116
Where’s the economy headed? 070716
Debts and coming Recession 280616
Business and Finance Roundtable 260716
The markets, post Brexit 250616
Better off out 230616
Sympathy for the squeezed middle? 040616
The pound downtrend not correlated to Brexit polls 010616
Debate and reaction to David Cameron’s claims about a recession 240516
Brexit – a year long recession 230516
Bank bail outs and capitalism 090516
The US is on the precipice of recession 030516
Investment committee – what is the impact of central bank policy?
Govt borrowings out of control 220416
The super rich are not paying a fair amount of tax 040416
Should the Govt bail out Tata steel? 010416
Help to save scheme 140316
Business and Finance Roundtable 080316
Investment Committee – what does EU referendum mean for markets?
Downturn in Chinese imports and exports 150216
Business has nothing to fear from Brexit 120216
The markets, currencies and global deflation 100216
The economy and markets and what to do? 090216
1. Gold. 2. The UK economic outlook. 280116
Are we heading for Recession or even Depression? 240116
Turning Japanese / Economic and Market Recession/Depression? 200116