EU: In or Out?, BBC Radio London – The Vanessa Feltz Show with Nikki Bedi
EU: In or Out? 250515
EU: In or Out? 250515
Bank fines 200515
General Election economics commentary 070515
Tax cuts after the General Election? 260115
Autumn Statement, Government debt 041214
Autumn Statement v Xmas TV schedules 041214
Autumn Statement 041214
Autumn Statement: So it was good wasn’t it? 041214
How has the Coalition performed? 031214
Scotland to have more tax powers 271114
That £1.7Bn extra bill from EU 241014
New EU rules could mean the @end of free banking’
Post #SCOTIND vote discussion part 2 180914
Post #SCOTIND vote discussion part 1 180914
Scottish independence 140914
Scottish independence – Economic impact of a ‘Yes’ vote 080914
Scottish independence 260814
News review discussion 110614
Review of the day’s news 060514
Labour announcement on Regional policy 080414
Budget review 190314
How taxpayers lost billions on the sale of Royal Mail
What will make people vote re Scottish Independence? 220114
Labour and the bankers 160114
Papers review (part 1) 111213
Papers review (part 2) 111213
Papers review (part 3) 111213
Press review (part 3) 121113
Press review (part 1) 121113
Press review (part 2) 121113
Threat to free banking in EU bid to cap credit card charges for shops
Meddling EU strikes again: Free banking to be scrapped under new plan
Carney has been brought here to ‘reflate the debt bubble’, warns wealth manager
Should bankers be jailed? 190613
British expats who moved to Cyprus face nervous wait on savings tax
Post Budget 210313
Budget review (part 1) 210313
Post Budget – Help for Buyers? Or Sellers? 210313
Budget review (part 2) 210313
Looking towards The Budget 200313
It’s Budget Day 200313
HMRC naming and shaming 250213
Multinationals’ tax (part 1) 020213
Multinationals’ tax (part 2) 020213
Food prices to rise in 2013 after bad crops
Multinational companies’ tax (or lack of) 141112
International companies paying taxes by the politicians’ rules 131112
Now you face paying for banking
Politicians playing populism and tokenism 240712
No-one is to blame for banking frauds…..
Manipulation of lending rates 280612
M&S move into banking won’t help customers – says finance expert
Clarke dismisses calls for referendum on EU
Regulator calls for free bank accounts to end
Osborne plans to limit tax relief are just ‘red herrings’
Banks could pay billions of pounds to SMEs after scandal ‘as big as’ PPI is exposed
Are the banks ripping us off? 090312
Italy – Will a change in government really help? (JD after c 23 mins) 151111
The Labour government spending policy 260911
Banks ‘fessing up re PPI, compensation will be large 050511
Families face £200 rise in Budget road tax raid
UK consumers should ‘not delay’ submitting their PPI complaint
8% Interest Rates could return to Tory highs
What Govt should do with Bank shares? 050810
Will VAT rise to 25%?
Sunday papers’ review 110210
MP expenses – are they breaking the rules? 110509
State Security
The impact of Lloyds takeover of HBOS 180908
Re Northen Rock (Wreck) 180208
Bank charges and The OFT 140108