Money Marketing
iShares look to set up long-duration gilt ETF
iShares look to set up long-duration gilt ETF
UK heading for a technical recession
Lending to fall in 2012 070212
Fred Goodwin 010212
Economics Clinic 310112
Hester’s bonus 270112
Economics discussion 250112
Economics Clinic (JD after c 17 mins) 030112
Housing market 301211
Economics Review 2011 291211
Economics Clinic – Review 2011 291211
Economics Clinic 211211
Jonathan Davis WM sponsors Hoddesdon Music club Xmas event
Source of the volatile
Mortgage Market Review 151211
The NI property market 081211
On the edge – outlook for 2012
Economics Clinic (JD after c 6 mins) 301111
Eurozone crisis 301111
The UK debt crisis 291111
House prices fall to 2004 levels
Economics Clinic 171111
Italy – Will a change in government really help? (JD after c 23 mins) 151111
Lloyds Bank announces £3.5 billion losses (JD after c 22 mins) 101111
Has London been sheltered from the global economic crisis? 101111
VAT loophole 091111
The economic situation in Italy (JD after c 22 mins) 081111
Should UK spend £29Bns on Greece 041111
The EU (JD after c 20 mins) 261011
House price fall will boost activity
Should pension benefits increase in line with inflation? 191011
The global debt crisis 181011
The UK debt problem (part 1) 081011
The UK debt problem (part 2) 081011
The UK debt problem (part 3) 081011
Savers are getting a raw deal 071011
Letter to editor re active or passive investment strategies
Is quantitative easing a good idea? 061011
Will quantitative easing make a difference? (JD after c 16 mins) 061011
The economy (part 3) 051011
The economy (part 1) 051011
The economy (part 2) 051011
The Euro crisis 290911
Do Goldman Sachs rule the world? 270911
The Labour government spending policy 260911
The International Monetary Fund 260911
How bad is the economy? 240911
Deregulation of Lending 240911
Markets and economics 230911
Stockmarket falls 230911
The state of the global economy 230911
Are big bonuses justified? 190911
UBS loses £1.3 billion 160911
The global economy 140911
Irish house prices still heading down
Are we obsessed with buying our own homes? 300811
Rent or buy? (part 1) 290811
Rent or buy? (part 2) 290811
Markets, macroeconomics and retirement 240811
Young people’s economics 220811
Global markets and economy debate 190811
Economic armageddon 190811
Are the British banks safe? (JD after c 10 mins) 050811
Markets crash and what happens now 050811
The stockmarket (part 1) 050811
The stockmarket (part 2) 050811
World markets and govt debts 050811
Fresh water and economics discussion 040811
The debt crisis (part 1) 020811
The debt crisis (part 2) 020811
US debt ceiling charade 010811
US to agree deal on the debt crisis 010811
Sluggish housing market loses its grip on buyers
Outlook for UK housing market 160711
64% in NI not confident they will get through the recession 040711
Housing market and the NI economy 270611
Do we need to live like a pauper to be debt free? (part 1) 170611
Do we need to live like a pauper to be debt free? (part 2) 170611
Reduce VAT? 160611
Wealthy and poor ‘face among highest taxes in the world’ in Britain
300,000 more households switched to Interest Only mortgages 010611
Rent or buy? 310511
House prices have halved since peak
Why are we not saving enough for retirement? 260511
Rent v Buy 240511
Are we obsessed with owning a property? 190511
Nation divided by a double dip in the housing market
Banks ‘fessing up re PPI, compensation will be large 050511
NI Housing market debate (yet another one!) 140411
Inflation 120411
House price rise fails to boost year forecast 060411
Ulster house prices almost halved since peak
Budget and the economy in general 240311
The Economy, in advance of The Budget 230311
Families face £200 rise in Budget road tax raid
March 15, 2011 Part 1 Round table discussion of Economy and Business 150311
Public Sector Pension reform and Interest Rates 100311
Buy or rent 030311
£2 a loaf as rise in oil price hits food