Fund Strategy
Behind the bearishness on bonds
Behind the bearishness on bonds
Approaching retirement
Negative interest rates 270213
HMRC naming and shaming 250213
Financial Services’ lobbying
UK Housing Market Poll – Feb 2013
What to do with the Too Big to Fail Banks 040213
Multinationals’ tax (part 1) 020213
Multinationals’ tax (part 2) 020213
The housing market 290113
NI housing market 290113
Austerity? What austerity? 240113
Outlook and recommendations for 2013
Outlook for house prices 020113
Food prices to rise in 2013 after bad crops
Govt proposals to protect us from another banking crisis 211212
What banking reform? 211212
Scottish bank notes (part 2) 090812
GP surgery writes to 7 year old 071212
Fewer advisers & less advice
NI house prices are down 55% since peak in 2007 221112
Multinational companies’ tax (or lack of) 141112
International companies paying taxes by the politicians’ rules 131112
Fund charges coming down?
The Recession is over? 251012
Debate on freedom of speech 121012
Be careful re trustees’ responsibilities (JD after c 6 mins) 041012
Inflation could near double digits says Jupiter’s Chatfeild-Roberts
Does money make you happy? 210912
UK Housing Market Poll – September 2012
Perhaps the most expensive home ever sold in Ulster
The decimation of the middle class 040912
Round Table: Business and Finance (part 1) 040912
Round Table: Business and Finance (part 2) 040912
Goverment borrowing out of control (part 1) 210812
Goverment borrowing out of control (Part 2) 210812
The NI property market 140812
How did we get into this mess? 090812
Scottish bank notes (part 1) 090812
Simplified investments. Useful or not?
What is a Pension? How do I get one?
The global economy 310712
Why no prosecutions for fraudster bankers? (part 1) 300712
Why no prosecutions for fraudster bankers? (part 2) 300712
Can the/any Govt get us out of Recession? 260712
Now you face paying for banking
Politicians playing populism and tokenism 240712
No-one is to blame for banking frauds…..
The West is in 20-30 years of Depression 120712
It pays to wait
Life insurance is important for saving money
Warning over PPI small print
Savers urged to recognise security of life insurance
Bank pumps further £50bn into economy through QE
Manipulation of lending rates 280612
Are banks fit for purpose? 280612
Can we trust the banks? 280612
Is the freeze in fuel tax good for the country? (part 1) 270612
Is the freeze in fuel tax good for the country? (part 2) 270612
Chancellor’s decision not to increase fuel duty is a red herring 270612
Due to IT issues, are RBS/Natwest negative brands now? 260612
High borrowing figures hit Osborne’s deficit reduction plan
I am a Capitalist 200612
Monthly UK Housing Market Poll – June 2012
Eurozone weighs in on hiring and investment plans of London firms
ETFs facing crisis if gold value dips
M&S move into banking won’t help customers – says finance expert
Clarke dismisses calls for referendum on EU
Shadow of the eurozone crisis may accelerate a dive in property prices
Regulator calls for free bank accounts to end
UK Recession worse than previously thought 240512
The economy 220512
Financial services jobs boom outside London
Santander UK downgraded 180512
Will you dance on €uro’s grave? (part 1) 170512
Will you dance on €uro’s grave? (part 2) 170512
Queen’s speech 090512
€uro problems and where do we go from here? 150512
Does crisis hit Europe offer value?
Recession or Depression or neither
UK in Double Dip Recession/Depression 260412
Double Dip Recession or Depression? 260412
Shop brands – are they worth paying extra for? (part 1) 200412
Shop brands – are they worth paying extra for? (part 2) 200412
Are tech stocks fit to burst?
Osborne hails London as Chinese Renminbi trading centre
Osborne plans to limit tax relief are just ‘red herrings’
Economics Clinic and State Funding of Political Parties (part 1) 280312
Economics Clinic and State Funding of Political Parties (part 2) 280312
Is the tax reduction to 45p fair or even important? (part 1) 210312
Is the tax reduction to 45p fair or even important? (part 2) 210312
Jonathan Davis speech 21 March 2012
End of free cashpoints
Banks could pay billions of pounds to SMEs after scandal ‘as big as’ PPI is exposed
Are the banks ripping us off? 090312
£20bn loan guarantee scheme wont help economy warns financial planner
Talking markets, gold, housing and the economy 010312
Osborne says we’ve run out of money 280212
Passing homes through the generations 240212