Housing market, BBC 5 Live – The Stephen Nolan Show
Housing market 180414
Housing market 180414
Fund buyers lose patience with Hendry after steep losses
Advisers express concern as SJP puts £3.65 bn eggs into woodfords basket
Review of current events 080414
Labour announcement on Regional policy 080414
Budget 2014 – Changes to the pension rules 210314
Budget review 190314
The Freedom Festival – March 2014
Trading down at retirement
What is a fair rate of tax? 150314
Poverty in 2014 050314
Investment Committee – In the Eurozone
How taxpayers lost billions on the sale of Royal Mail
UK Housing Market Poll – February 2014
Employer concerns re the work readiness of young people 230214
75% would want higher interest rates 150214
London property bought by ultra rich foreigners 110214
Investment Committee – Made in the USA?
Investing for income
Are we better off? 240114
Are we recovering? 230114
What will make people vote re Scottish Independence? 220114
Graduate positions set to shoot up in 2014
Metro Bank 200114
Labour and the bankers 160114
Interest rate vertigo 080114
Boxing Day sales 261213
Papers review (part 1) 111213
Papers review (part 2) 111213
Papers review (part 3) 111213
Investment Committee – review of the year
We need is a return to Capitalism 281113
UK Housing Market Poll – November 2013
PayDay lenders’ rates to be capped 251113
PayDay loans for Xmas? Very bad move 181113
Strategies for investing for children
Is the Recovery permanent? 141113
Press review (part 3) 121113
Press review (part 1) 121113
Press review (part 2) 121113
RBS bad bank – you’re not wrong 011113
Hallowe’en – it’s expensive (part 2) 311013
Hallowe’en – it’s expensive (part 1) 311013
Storm costs and legacy 281013
Investment industry dismayed at talk of ISA lifetime allowance cap
Help to Buy – a good thing? 081013
TESCO 021013
Will ‘Help to Buy’ create a housing bubble? 290913
Are we better off? 240913
Osborne says there is no housing boom 180913
How much is wealthy? 170913
Should the Bank of England limit house price rises? 130913
House prices and outlook 130913
Questions for the PM 040913
NI house prices and outlook 140813
Which markets to invest/divest? Japan/West? 250713
What is a Bond? 250713
What is an Annuity? 250713
What is an ISA? 250713
Threat to free banking in EU bid to cap credit card charges for shops
Real People’s debt 230713
NI house prices rising but… 170713
Rent v Buy? 160713
Taxes and Spending 120713
Feel Good Factor? 100713
Meddling EU strikes again: Free banking to be scrapped under new plan
Carney has been brought here to ‘reflate the debt bubble’, warns wealth manager
Should interest rates be raised? 270613
Government cuts 270613
Should the government sell bank shares? 200613
Should bankers be jailed? 190613
The biggest problem facing the world 140613
Can property get back in the mix?
NI house prices fall below 2003 levels 110613
House prices at 2003 levels
UK Housing Market Poll – May 2013
A yen for Abes Japan reforms?
Hike interest rates and return real working capitalism back to Britain
House prices to soar by 30%: Experts predict average value will hit £300,000
Children saving for University 030513
Mortgage time bomb exposed 020513
The UK Economy still fragile (part 2) 250413
The UK Economy still fragile (part 1) 250413
British expats who moved to Cyprus face nervous wait on savings tax
The end of the commodity party
Welfare and Philpott 050413
What I told Barclays Directors when they asked me (part 1) 020413
What I told Barclays Directors when they asked me (part 2) 020413
What’s happening to your house price?
Banks need more capital 270313
Is UK too rich to need change? 250313
Budget 2013 – Help to buy scheme 210313
Post Budget 210313
Budget review (part 1) 210313
Post Budget – Help for Buyers? Or Sellers? 210313
Budget review (part 2) 210313
Looking towards The Budget 200313
It’s Budget Day 200313
Negative equity 150313
Debate on housing market 120313