The gig economy and the third world
@j0nathandavis talking with @sputnikInt 110417
@j0nathandavis talking with @sputnikInt 110417
@J0nathanDavis talking with @LBC 010417
@j0nathandavis talking with @talkroberto @bbc3cr 310317
Why is gold not much, much higher?
Standard Life and Aberdeen Asset Merger
DAILY RECKONING UK The Depression That Never Was: What If The Government Didn’t Intervene? by Jonathan Davis 7th March 201 7 “But we HAD to bail out the banks in 2009… otherwise we’d have gone into a depression.” How often … Continued
We’re in a depression – an interview with Jonathan Davis
@j0nathandavis talking with @Kayeadams @BBCradioscot 060317
@j0nathandavis talking with @talkroberto @bbc3r 030317
Talk Radio – with Sam Delaney. Average households will be worse off for yours.
Average households will be worse off for years 020317
Advice for lottery winner 230217
House prices 200217
Reuters UK Housing market poll – February 2017
Where has all the ISA cash gone?
Unauthorised Overdrafts? Tighten your belt instead. 080217
HBOS fraud convictions 310117
Govt minister makes money selling a business. So what? 160117
The EU wants continued access to the City 140117
Housing market 130117
Click on the link below to listen to: Talk Radio with Julia Hartley-Brewer
http://BBC Radio 2 – The Jeremy Vine Show with Paddy O’Connell
Donald Trump elected 091116
High Court on Article 50 (and caller in) 031116
Research from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), surrounding wealth in the UK, has been making headlines recently. The study has found that people born during the 1980s are now half as wealthy as those born in the 1970s were … Continued
Banks set aside huge sums to cover PPI claims 271016
Housing Minister says his mother leaving estate to his children 101016
Talk Radio – with George Galloway
Deutsche Bank and the banking system 300916
Stamp duty and the housing market 210916
Unemployment figures falling 140916
Business and Finance Roundtable 060916
Apple’s Irish taxes 300816
£61m lottery winners 030816
Investigation into banking culture stopped. And 2016 Recession? 080116
Is Sir Philip Green the unacceptable face of capitalism? 250716
Where’s the economy headed? 070716
Is this the start of a banking collapse? 070716
Bank of England announces measures to increase lending 050716
Debts and coming Recession 280616
Business and Finance Roundtable 260716
The markets, post Brexit 250616
Britain votes to leave the EU – Initial reaction 240616
Better off out 230616
Sympathy for the squeezed middle? 040616
Is Buy to Let about to hit the rocks?
Investment committee – Is value investing due for a comeback?
The pound downtrend not correlated to Brexit polls 010616
Debate and reaction to David Cameron’s claims about a recession 240516
Brexit – a year long recession 230516
Bank bail outs and capitalism 090516
Housing market 040516
The US is on the precipice of recession 030516
Investment committee – what is the impact of central bank policy?
Govt borrowings out of control 220416
Wealth envy? 120416
Inheritance Tax 110416
David Cameron releases tax returns 110416
David Cameron and offshore tax havens 050416
The super rich are not paying a fair amount of tax 040416
Investment committee – where next for commodity prices?
Should the Govt bail out Tata steel? 010416
Average ASKING price £300000, I say end Help to Buy
Help to save scheme 140316
Business and Finance Roundtable 080316
State pension to rise in coming decades 060316
Investment Committee – what does EU referendum mean for markets?
Risk On or Risk Off? 190216
Downturn in Chinese imports and exports 150216
Business has nothing to fear from Brexit 120216
Google tax 120216
The markets, currencies and global deflation 100216
The economy and markets and what to do? 090216
State pension age extending further and further 020316
Investment committee – income investors in a quandary
Why Britain should leave the EU 010216
1. Gold. 2. The UK economic outlook. 280116
Investing in gold 280116
Google, Facebook and tax 270116
Are we heading for Recession or even Depression? 240116
Turning Japanese / Economic and Market Recession/Depression? 200116
Consumerism and the economy 190116
Interest rates and the coming Recession (Depression?) 190116
Oil and home energy prices, and looming Recession 140116
Average London household non-mortgage debt £40,000 130116
First-time buyers taking out 35 year mortgages
7 housing predictions for 2016
Should David Cameron offer an EU referendum? 181215
Investment Committee – what challenges does 2016 hold?
Budget Cuts – are they big enough? 091115
Investment Committee – could bonds be left high and dry?
Should we switch bank accounts? 221015
Death of a trade body
The economic impact of leaving the EU 141015
Investment Committee – A Yen for Japan
Robots or humans? Why the answer may depend on your choice of adviser
Passive fund war ‘will force active managers to cut fees’
Economic policies 280915